The invariant distribution based on moment neuronal networks 基于矩神经网络下的不变分布
In mature neuronal network , nogo - a immunoreactive axons showed a string of beads which correspond to the varicosities or growth cones Nogo a在成熟的神经元网状的突起上,呈串珠样分布,这些结构推测为膨体或生长锥。
We now have an elementary grasp of how the vast neuronal networks in our brains develop and atrophy , and how they interconnect via synapses and neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine 现在我们对大脑里这个巨大的神经网络如何发育以及萎缩已经有了初步的认知,并且了解它们如何通过诸如复合胺和多巴胺之类的神经键以及神经传递素来进行相互作用。